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Why a Touchscreen MacBook Makes No Sense
I do not believe Apple will produce a touchscreen MacBook. Not only does it make little sense for their current direction, but I believe the PC world has demonstrated why touchscreens on laptops do not necessarily provide the best user experience. Here are my top reasons why Apple won’t produce a touchscreen MacBook. iPad Marketing…
The OneDrive Misconception
I wish Microsoft would stop marketing OneDrive as a backup solution. It is not. It is a file synchronization service. And there subtle, yet incredibly important, differences between synchronization services and backup services. The purpose of file synchronization is to enable multiple devices to use the same files. e.g. You have the same files on…
Don’t Panic, You’re Not Inadequate
I normally have an even keel in life. And that’s not just me talking, it’s what people say about me. I have been through my share of stress and emergencies. I have come out the other side enough times to know that any given situation is usually not as dire as it appears. But a…
Looking for a New Home
I was laid off last week along with most of my team. I think if I was younger and less experienced, I would be freaking out. But I’m oddly calm at this point. The software development market has always been a bit volatile, but when one job disappears, there is usually another waiting. And I’m…
Chrome OS – Less Conundrummy
If you read my post about Chrome OS being a conundrum, I may have mislead you a little about the crashing problem. To be fair, it was my first experience with Chrome OS, so I didn’t consider the possibility that my brand new device from a reputable brand was faulty. So I thought I would…
Website Info from HACWN Presentation
If you attended my presentation on creating an author website at the HACWN meeting, thanks for attending! You can download the slideshow and handout from the links below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via my contact form. Slideshow (ODP) Slideshow (PPTX) Handout (PDF)